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Korean culture takes dating very, very seriously.
Here are some surprising, strange and sweet couple customs practiced in South Korea.
"Two Two" or "22" Day![](//img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fsection%2Foc%2Fb7ab12cb33d34fc686fa0a74fd11e36e)
Among Koreans, especially teens, counting days of dating is quite important. It's like giving your relationship a birthday (but in Korean culture, there are a LOT more relationship birthdays.)
Usually, teenagers and college kids will count their 22nd day (usually marking from the first date) as a day of celebration, like a pre-anniversary. They call this day "Two-two day."
Superstition says that celebrating this day so early will give the relationship good luck at lasting for a long time. Aww.
Romantic Christmas![](//img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fsection%2Foc%2F4d17ad94557a44a281c3bf6d0d437bf5)
Merry Christmas, Baby!
Yes, there are Koreans, especially those who identify as Christian, who go to church or spend time with family on Christmas, but for most people, it's a lot like Valentine's Day: a huge date night that comes with a lot of expectations.
Many couples plan Christmas as one of their fanciest dates of the year and high-end restaurants book up months ahead of time for Christmas and Christmas Eve.
Go-baek Day (September 17th)![](//img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fsection%2Foc%2F580af620a7ba482d8f77bc5341e54f8b)
"Go-baek day" is a day to be brave and ask someone out on a date. ("Go-baek" means "confession" or "confess" in Korean.)
September 17th is 100 days before Christmas - if you start dating someone then, you and your partner's 100th dating day celebration (another important milestone in Korean dating culture) will be on Christmas!
Couple Looks/ Couple Outfits![](//img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fsection%2Foc%2F9f5733847f9c4ef29f7a8bf9bb18ea78)
Younger couples love to match their outfits - they can match colors, styles or even small accessories.
Fashionistas especially latch on to this trend.
O-megi Tteok![](//img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fsection%2Foc%2Fa05eb9430eb14126b1aca3a60ed147f0)
O-megi tteok is a special kind of rice cake traditional to Jeju island. It has red beans on the outside as well as a red bean paste inside.
O-megi tteok has become a special symbol in the Korean dating world after it came up on a famous episode of "Witch Hunt," a popular Korean variety show.
On "Witch Hunt" people call or write in to ask questions related to dating. The most common question is some form of "Is s/he showing interest in me? Or am I just reading to much into it??"
So, of course :P, the panelists tried both the rice cake and the tangerine chocolates.
Their verdict was that the rice cake was, indeed, a "green light" or an indication of interest! So, now, you can gift people you desire o-megi tteok to show your interest in them. (If you are brave!)
Consider yourself closer to becoming an expert at Korean dating culture.
Even if you don't have a Korean significant other, you can see if your partner's up for trying out some of these customs.
Awww :)
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