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4 Creepy Korean Stories That Will Keep You Up at Night


Translated by kakao i

번역할 언어 선택

We recommend reading these stories with a friend. 

뿌! That's BOO in Korean. 

#1. The Death of Kim Min-ji engraved on Korean coins


The rumor is that the man responsible for designing the Korean bills and coins lost his daughter to a child kidnapper and in mourning, he decided to leave the details of her death on Korean money. The legs of the flying crane above represent 'tied hands' and the picture of rice plant symbolizes the murder weapon; a sickle!

#2. The Deadly Red Mask

This one scared the hell out of Korean children in the 90s. A lady wearing a red mask is a victim of an injury that slit her mouth wide open and she is seeking revenge by appearing to young victims. 

In front of the victim, she would reveal her mutilated face by lifting the mask and ask if she is beautiful or not...Only to exact a deadly ending on her victim by slitting his/her mouth wide open no matter what their answer may be.

#3. Jayuro Ghost

Jayuro is one of the busiest roads in Korea and many people claim that they witnessed a ghostly figure while driving the highway in the middle of the night! Even major press attempted to bust the myth and it is believed that a combination of streetlights and headlights create a phantom that resembles a human figure. 

#4. The Haunted Dancing Room

Many creepy Korean stories are related to school and this is one of them. Days before a competition, a girl sneaked into the dancing room at her school and in low light, she practiced her moves throughout the night, checking her moves in the mirror. Before sunrise, she shortly fell a sleep and when she woke up, she could not help but scream when she discovered that there were no mirrors in the room!!


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