IS의 암살자: '100명 이상 죽였지만 후회 안해'

조회수 2018. 5. 7. 12:22 수정
음성재생 설정

이동통신망에서 음성 재생시
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(예시) 다양한 분야의 재밌고 유익한 콘텐츠를 카카오 플랫폼 곳곳에서 발견하고, 공감하고, 공유해보세요.

평화로운 정권 교체를 외치던 한 남성은 어느새 잔인한 테러리스트이자 살인자가 됐다.
출처: Getty Images
A file picture showing a close-up of a man's camouflage-clad mid-section, and a Kalashnikov rifle in his hands
출처: AFP
Rebels celebrate in Raqqa after capturing the city on 4 March, 2013.
출처: AFP
Syrian anti-government protesters near the southern town of Deraa, in April, 2011
출처: BBC
A photograph of a padlocked door in an Islamic State prison in Raqqa
출처: AFP
A group of men look at a large black jihadist flag with Islamic writing on it proclaiming, "There is no God but God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God".
Members of the Syrian Democratic Forces patrol a damaged house in Raqqa in September, 2017
출처: BBC
A screengrab from the BBC documentary Syria: The World's War, showing a man's head in silhouette
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